The following is an interview between 23 year old me and the current irascible, incarnation of myself.
{Note: At age 23, I had started a theatrical production company producing original showcases, touring shows and musicals. I was written up in newspapers like the Dallas Morning News and the Dallas Times Herald as an up & comer. I performed in a handful of big budget and independent films. I wrote articles for a series of magazines. I tested and performed comedy material at the Houston Comedy Workshop. I wrote jokes for a number of comedians. I performed in scores of radio, TV commercials and training films. I was single, tan, thin with a full head of black curly hair.}
OLD ME: So... you are still alive? That's a plus!
CURRENT ME: Surprised even me... especially since I smoked like a chimney for all those years.
OM: How did all that go.. especially with our asthma?
CM: We had our moments. Especially playing sports like basketball, soccer, baseball and softball... sports induced asthma and sleep apnea have been no fun!
OM: You played all those things after 25... 30? When did you finally quit?
CM: A few years after Jessica was born. I decided to let her shine. My knees were done. I remember in my late 30s.. even more so in my 40s... when I made a slide tackle in soccer or slid into second base... I would say to myself... "I'm gonna feel that at 50!" And believe me, I do!
OM: Where are our millions?
CM: ...Of dollars? Hahahaha... Ask my ex and a couple former live in girlfriends. Oh... they never tell you that after a divorce.. with your child living 2 states away... that divorced dad thing can be really expensive!
OM: Does your daughter appreciate you for all of that?
CM: She's coming out of her teenage years... and very responsible. She knows that I love her... and that I never wanted to make it a tug of war with her mother.
We communicate a whole lot better than I ever did with Mom at your age!
OM: How is dear old Mom?
CM: She was diagnosed with dementia at age 70... Alzheimer's soon after that. It has been an emotional struggle, but I have stayed close.
OM: Not me! I don't think I would care all that much.
CM: As you age, you find it all becomes part of the circle of life. You either commit or quit!
OM: So... we never got hair plugs?
CM: In my 30s, I created a persona... two actually. One was Cap 'N' Mike. I changed from wearing that stupid rain hat I wore back then... to a baseball cap. Usually a Cubs cap. I had headshots made with the baseball cap look. I got a hell of a lot of Joe Job commercials as Cap 'N' Mike!
OM: Joe Jobs?
CM: Plumbers. Dads playing catch with the kids. Construction workers, etc...
OM: And your other persona?
CM: Business Mike... a gruff looking business guy... kinda like ... Ed Asner.
OM: I noticed you got fat...
CM: No one stays 160lbs forever. (LOL) Back in Texas, especially in the Swamp {My old house}... it was like a sauna 300+ days a year. Who didn't lose weight? Plus, 2 packs of smokes a day were a better diet than Slimfast... maybe not as healthy, but a meal alternative just the same.
OM: What happened to my MG Midget?

CM: I replaced it with a Mazda Miata. Japanese, but doesn't break down every other month. It was actually my divorced dad car!
OM: How WAS marriage?
CM: Quick.. only a few years... then annulled. Amazingly, the Church can and will annul your marriage.. and there is really nothing you can do about it... that is, unless you want to be a real pain to your Ex and try to fight it... but in the end, you lose. Why waste the energy? I think the annulment was the first step to healing my psyche after the divorce.
OM: What is our best accomplishment?
CM: Jessica, by far! Other than the hundreds and hundreds of commercials, the plays, short stories and books... I am definitely proudest of my Creative Kids Acting program!
OM: You followed through with that, huh?
CM: I started it to give back to a new generation of kid actors... what happened is ... the kids gave me back way more in return.
OM: Are you happy?
CM: Sure! I love what I do. I've been lucky to do what I love. And occasionally I get paid for it. LOL. Just kidding.... maybe not... but it's been quite a ride. Lost a lot of friends along the way... But I have a great circle of friends... people who like and respect me.. and even some who really look out for me. I mean...who could ask for anything more?
OM: Where do you see us in 30 years?
CM: As ashes spread over Pam Anderson.
OM: Wait... what...who?
CM: Never mind. I guess I would still like to be kicking and irascible. Still pinching girls' bottoms when I hug them... and ... maybe if I get that old... I'll have been watching NASA land on Mars.. and laughing my ass off as all those 'Martian Colony nuts' cried back to Earth to be saved!
OM: I don't get the NASA thing, but... you have always been a bit out there...
CM: Back at ya!
OM: Look... it's been good talking to you, old man!
CM: You, too! Oh.. BTW... When Allison Stofer calls you in about 13 years and tries to sell you paper goods for the Tool Company... ask her to marry you ...right then and there.
OM: O...K... Again, I don't get it, but I'll make note of it. You know... I don't want to get married... yet!
CM: You will.... Oh, brother... like a ticking clock... you will! Find the right one!... (All..i..son... Sto...!)
OM: Look.. I've got my rehearsal here in just a bit ...and ... need to get going... but nice talk!
CM: Take it easy, Kid! Remember don't stress too much... things tend to fall into place a hell of a lot quicker when you just let it all go!
OM: Sounds zen! Peace out, Buddha!
CM: Later, Kid!
Be sure to read my other works!
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