Outdoor musicals, much like outdoor movies, is an interesting breed of entertainment. While many will flock to concerts or multi-media stage shows, the outdoor musical had an eclectic fan base. Regular theatergoers would have to adapt to the experience and all that it entailed. Such an experience might seem more like attending a baseball game than a typical theatrical experience. Case in Point:
1. The Weather.
Not just rain, but rain outs, intermittent rain, heavy winds and delays.
2. Bugs
Natural or electrical (most singers were using body microphones)
3. Replacements
"The part of {NAME of CHARACTER in the PLAY} will be performed tonight by {NOT the STAR you paid to see}!" Starlight touring shows usually had 1 - 3 popular, if not famous talent featured in any given performance. Lose the star, bad word of mouth.
4. The Weather
Again. A long stretch of summer rain outs over a half decade of theatrical seasons inspired the management of Starlight to build a permanent overhang over the stage... and then one over the audience... as a way to protect the performance from the elements. Of course, rain does come down sideways... and lightning will still put a show into delay since actors are electronically wired and performing under wired stage lights. Actually... the Starlight overhang took away from the 'star light' experience... watching the stars under the stars. But I digress...
This is a different story. Living only a few blocks from the Starlight Musicals and an actor myself, I was well aware of their schedules, their stars... and their least secure entryways for sneaking in.
Ploy #1
Ask an adventurous date to the show. Dress up and sneak in. It's good to know the ushers (usually high school buddies who could care less if you sneaked in)... just don't come into contact with one who holds a grudge or vendetta. A dressed up set of teenagers (aw... on a date!) would appear more common and hidden in plain sight than some couple caught in ragged jeans and sneakers with a pair of wire cutters.
Ploy #2
A new Musical arrived and set up one day ... every week ... during the run of the season. Sneak in (see ploy #1) and watch a quick run through rehearsal of the show during the set up. Many ushers were hired on these off nights to clean the audience seating area, so the place had a lot of activity that caused most productions in rehearsal to all but take no notice.
Ploy #3
Go with your parents. Make them pay the growing ticket price that was probably the real death knell to the whole shebang.
Well! This is a story about Ploy #2! Yul Brynner was back on tour with the 'King and I'. He was middle aged, working less in film and decided to give the King of Siam another go round. He was also rumored to have cancer (he smoked like a chimney). So, if this was to be his final hurrah... I thought I'd make my own 'TADA!' ... sneak in and watch him walk through his steps of preparation before a certain sold out weekend.
I was able to sneak through the back fence easy enough. No second looks from security. {Please! I'm an actor! I know my way around a theater.. and also look like a bored actor who just wanted to walk off some extra energy by getting away from the dressing room!} I touched base with a few usher friends of mine who gave me the green light to land unimpeded in the second row. And there he was The King of Siam. Even wearing a warm up suit, he was an imposing figure. He acted a few scenes. Sang a few songs. He walked through some trouble spots with the cast. And here I was... sitting in the second row.. wide eyed... taking it all in as a fan... an actor... a future direcrtor/producer.....THEN... IT HAPPENED...
Just when you think the planets have aligned... that your plan is foolproof... and there are no flies in the ointment... the flies arrive. All of a sudden I am surrounded by ushers. They are sneaking beers... and cigarettes. And... they're talking amongst themselves in such a way I was certain that I would soon to be thrown out, if not arrested, for trespassing.
AND THEN... Yul Brynner stops the rehearsal. He walks to the front of the stage and explains to this unruly throng ... and the stars in the sky... that this was not a performance... and that the entire theater was to be cleared! The old King of Siam could not have given a more direct order! So, I sheepishly rise from my center stage, 2nd row perch to try to amble out anonymously... when I am stopped... by YUL BRYNER!
Yul Brynner looks at me directly... knowing how I was taking all this in with wide eyed wonder.. and he says "YOU! YOU MAY STAY!" I dropped down into my seat immediately... amid the cat calls and rumblings from my now departing usher friends. I was given a gift from Yul Brynner. I was given the opportunity to watch a full scale production come up to speed.. during the set up in a new town. The same knowledge I would use as a director/producer years later with a production company I started after college. I saw Yul Brynner laugh at some dialogue mistakes. I heard him sing and perform to an audience of one. AND...
I had to pee.
One of the greatest theatrical opportunities of a lifetime and Mother Nature is punching me in the bladder. But... I can't go to the bathroom... I was given a pass! A magic ticket! One most theatergoers would give their eye tooth to experience... and all the while my molars were floating. I stayed as long as I could.. then I could stand it no more.
I gave the King a gracious nod and ducked out using a back escape route... taking time out behind one of Butler's beautiful fir trees... off for home.
I have told that story quite a few times over the years... not to brag... much. I believe the moral to the story was that when you are so engrossed in something... something for which you hold so much passion... most people attuned to the situation can read it... and open an avenue for you to take it all in. I can only express... don't drink a 44oz Big Gulp before you find yourself in that situation.
Be sure to read my other works!
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